Causes Mansory LayoutCharityPlayground construction funds for poor childrenBy admin$24,000 Collected100%EducationThe Tsunami Victims Fund in the PhilippinesBy admin$75,000 Collected95%CharityScholarship fund studious poor childrenBy admin$32,000 Collected100%EducationWhat’s the food for today?By admin$1,500 Collected35%CharityTo give hope for a better future..!By admin$2,400 Collected6%EducationVolunteers serving foodBy admin$1,000 Collected35%Causes Grid Layout$27,140 of $24,000 raisedPlayground construction funds for poor children$71,540 of $75,000 raisedThe Tsunami Victims Fund in the Philippines$49,059 of $32,000 raisedScholarship fund studious poor children$520 of $1,500 raisedWhat’s the food for today?$145 of $2,400 raisedTo give hope for a better future..!$350 of $1,000 raisedVolunteers serving food